
Sósia da Chun-Li! Gatinha muda visual e bomba com pernas BEM saradas, Fotos e vídeos

Não é segredo para ninguém que postar fotos nas redes sociais acabou se tornando “moda”. Todos os dias as pessoas publicam milhares delas, não se importando em qual situação estão.

Algumas pessoas mais exageradas, registra todo momento de seu dia, desde a hora que acorda até dar boa noite.

O Instagram acabou sendo uma arma para essas pessoas, muitas até ganham dinheiro com isso, se conseguir ficar “famosa(o)” na rede social, muitas empresas podem entrar em contato para que você divulgue seus produtos em seu perfil.

Foi o caso da modelo Natascha Encinosa, que acabou ficando famosa no Instagram, depois que publicou algumas fotos mostrando suas pernas perfeitas, as imagens acabaram viralizando na web.

Principalmente porque os internautas logo a compararam com a personagem Chun-Li, do game “Street Fighter”. O sucesso foi tão impressionante que, em dois meses, após postar as fotos, a jovem viu seus seguidores pularem de 20 mil para 90 mil.


Merry Christmas Eve ?? Photographed by @pedrorollejr Makeup by @haidenysmonzon

Uma publicação compartilhada por Natascha Encinosa WBFF Pro (@nataschaencinosa) em

?? SWIPE to see 20 weeks’ progress! (Most recent to oldest) A lot of people have posted negative comments on some of my posts that have to do with my recent transformation. I’ve gotten comments saying it’s impossible to make that much of a drastic change in such a short period of time, other comments saying the older pictures were photoshopped to make me look bigger than what I was (lol), and endless more negative comments. So what I have to say to those who doubt the progress over the last 20 weeks, is: THEN DO IT. It’s impossible? Do it, I dare you to meal prep every day for 20 weeks, I dare you to follow an exact workout routine, to ignore every one of your favorite foods, to not drink or go out because you have to save your energy for your next workout. I DARE YOU to be serious about your shit for 20 weeks, and then tell me it’s impossible. I’m not one to feed into the negativity, but when others are reading that bad energy and outlook, they become unmotivated as well and they fall for the bullshit that those haters claim. I try to use my platform to help others, whether it’s physically or mentally, whether it has to do with fitness or not. Fitness is MY way of life, what keeps me sane, what gets me through the day. For others it may be culinary arts, writing, teaching, or even singing. Ultimately, we all have goals we want to achieve and we will never achieve them unless our mindset is up to par with those goals. APPLY YOURSELF, stop making excuses, and make it happen. Today. Not tomorrow. Not on Monday. Now. – 4-week personalized online coaching is available! Let me help you reach your fitness goals ?? Email me to get started or for more info! (Email/link in bio)

Uma publicação compartilhada por Natascha Encinosa WBFF Pro (@nataschaencinosa) em


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